Metamath Blueprint : AKS (PRIMES is in P)

Theorem defintrospective

df-intro $a |- introAKS = ( p e. NN , r e. NN |-> 
  { <. e , f >. | [. ( Poly1 ` ( Z/nZ ` p ) ) / z ]. ( e e. NN0 /\ f e. ( Base ` ( Poly1 ` ZZring ) )
    /\ ( z gsum ( n e. NN0 |-> ( ( ( coe1 ` f ) ` n ) .* ( n .^ e ) ) ) )
        ( ||r ` z ) 
        ( ( r ( .g ` ( mulGrp ` z ) ) ( var1 ` ZZring ) ) ( -g ` z ) ( ( algSc ` z ) ` 1 ) ) ) )
    ) } ) $.

Let l be the homomorphism that maps the integer coefficents to \mathbb{Z}\mod{p} coefficients. For two positive numbers p and r, define a introspective relation, which is a binary relation on (positive numbers, Polynomials over \mathbb{Z}), defined by e ~ f, where f(X)^e is e-th iterate of p and f(X^e) is the polynomial introduced by replacing the monomials X^0, X^1 ,... by X^{e*0}, X^{e*1},... Calculate l(f(X)^e-f(X^e)) and see if it divides X^r-1.